Yellow Gold MJ IMG_6007.JPG

Yellow Gold MJ

from $80.00
Yellow Gold Half Round lululemon_mapleandj-49.jpg
sold out

Yellow Gold Half Round

from $95.00
goldtwisted-1.jpg AB5A1317 copy.jpeg

The Gold Twisted

from $90.00
E06A3037.jpg E06A2905.jpg

The Hammered Double Down

Twisted+Silver.jpg silva&gold-45.jpg

The Twisted Silver

from $70.00
The Bold Twisted Silver IMG_6393.JPG

The Bold Twisted Silver

Maple & J FIX silver-2.jpg IMG_3832.JPG

Women's Silver MJ

from $70.00
MAcro-5.jpg Lyford-19.jpg

Silver Half Round

from $80.00
Angle.jpg E06A9077.jpg

The Angle Bangle

from $110.00
Memory Yellow 3.jpg mj-30.jpg

The Memory Bangle

The Honor Bangle (Pre-Order) new_-10.jpg

The Honor Bangle (Pre-Order)
